Buy Superman - The Animated Series, Volume One (DC Comics Classic Collection) for $8.58

Friday, November 25, 2011 , , , , , ,

# Superman - The Animated Series, Volume One (DC Comics Classic Collection) Product Description

Your spirits will soar with this 2-disc/18-episode set from the popular TV series! Portraying the man and hero as human while keeping the comic-book action at full speed, each animated adventure is a fast-paced spellbinder. Beginning with his arrival on Earth, Superman finds his place in his adopted home and accepts his role as its champion - facing mortal enemy Lex Luthor and countless other criminals like the Weather Wizard and the Toyman. High-flying excitement, boundless thrills and revealing Exclusive Extras collide in this superior collection about the dynamic hero that inspires us all to strive for truth and justice. ...Read more Details

Average Rating :
Product Brand : Warner Brothers
Price : $26.98
You Save : $18.4(68%)
Special Price : $8.58
Shipping Usually ships in 1-2 business days Read conditions for free Shipping.Check Price Now!!

√√√Superman - The Animated Series, Volume One (DC Comics Classic Collection) Features

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